Steve Eulberg “A Different Kind of Christmas” 2021-12-16 07:30 PM EST

"Deck the Halls"...
When Christmas caroling as a youth, Steve recalls with sadness the plea from the wife at one door for us to leave because the sorrow in that home was too overwhelming that year. Sometimes our inner experience doesn't match the outside expectations of frivolity and joy while still the season still wraps all around us. Steve's experience as leader of an innercity church in a poverty neighborhood—while building patios and decks for customers in the wealthy suburbs—brought this into stark relief and inspired several of the songs and tunes that will be part of this concert. Tunes from his seasonal recordings, Hark, the Glad Sound! and 'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime (all minor-mode tunes for the season) will also be featured. (The fa la las will also be included as well!) Guitar, mountain & hammered dulcimers, dulci-bro.

Minimum price $10
