ALL THE MUSIC USB drive from S. J. Tucker


OVER 10 ALBUMS, 20 SINGLES, MULTIPLE ONLINE MIXTAPES, AND UNRELEASED SURPRISES, TOO!  New to Sooj's merch arsenal and featuring portrait art by Cora Ocean, a 16GB USB card drive compatible with all desktops, laptops, and usb-equipped vehicles, containing her ENTIRE music catalogue of releases since 2001, and including recordings previously only ever made available at live concerts, for a total of 2.5GB of mp3 files!  Keep the music there and use the extra drive space for your other favorites if you like!  Sooj will ship these worldwide, load the data onto them personally, autograph each one on the back side.  Be sure to leave a note with your purchase if you'd like it personalized! NOTE: purchase during the Haunted By Honeysuckle concert, and S. J. will make sure to include the Haunted By Honeysuckle songs bundle, as well!
