Does what it says on the tin! S. J. & Kat will get you a video of the show once the Sept 15 show has concluded, so you can rewatch anytime and share the concert with your friends.
Delta to Desert Songs Bundle from S. J.
Follow the River songs bundle from S. J.
Poem & Postcard from Kat Heatherington
VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Haunted By Honeysuckle (S.J. & Kat, 15 Sep 2024)
eBook DOWNLOAD of The Bones of This Land by Kat Heatherington
Haunted By Honeysuckle SONGS BUNDLE
VIDEO DOWNLOAD of S. J. & Kat’s Follow the River concert
Kat Heatherington’s book, A Map Without Your Shadow
Kat Heatherington’s Chapbook, An Edge Made for Embracing
Delta to Desert Outtakes Reel from S. J.
ebook DOWNLOAD from Kat Heatherington of A Map Without Your Shadow
VIDEO DOWNLOAD of From Delta to Desert concert (Jan 2021) by Kat Heatherington & S. J. Tucker
Kat Heatherington’s book, The Bones of This Land
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