Queens of Avalon

Four Seasons, Two Sisters, One Heart
This Celtic musical revisits the famous story of Camelot… but surprisingly reinterpreted from a woman’s perspective. Both destined to become queens, Guinevere and Morgana meet as girls and become fast friends. They come of age together, and vow to change the dragon’s curse that overshadows Morgana’s life. The fate of kingdoms lies in their hands!
Website: http://queensofavalon.com/
“Haunting … Lyrical … Spellbinding — Heather Dale brings musical magic and a new twist to this popular tale.”
Tamora Pierce
Award-winning YA/Fantasy author, “The Lioness” series
“Tears are in my eyes….a very powerful piece.” – Cheron F.
“I’m left wordless, save one. Magnificent! Heart felt! Ok, three words. Bravo! (four)” – Jim M.
“Queens of Avalon breaks new ground in the Arthurian legends and gives a sensitive, fresh, glorious and new voice to the story, one whose messages echo far after the movie is done. Well worth watching, repeatedly.” – Elke W.
“Extraordinarily designed and executed. I smiled, I cried, I hummed along….what a tour de force! I am so happy to have been a part of the crowdfunding for this spectacular creation. A powerful story, commanding performances, and a stunning production. Can you tell I really, really like it?!” – Sara S.